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Developed Idea: Practical Proposal #2

Student Name:

Tiffany Chan

Student Role:


Film Name:

I Was Waiting For You

Film Tagline:

Treatment (100+ word summary of entire plot):

Sixteen year old Wren is waiting for her boyfriend as it is their three month anniversary. She arrives at their meeting spot 30 minutes early and patiently waits. When their meeting time is long overdue and her boyfriend seems to be a no-show, Wren dials his number, only to be referred to voicemail. She dials his number several times and leaves voice messages. When it becomes apparent that he is avoiding her, she impatiently leaves their meeting place, feeling disappointed and upset that she has been stood up.


Alex is a troubled, quiet boy suffering from depression who is unwilling to return home for the evening due to undescribed family issues. He aimlessly wanders around Mong Kok, visiting food stalls, sitting alone in a McDonald's - trying to kill time. During his time around the streets, he receives calls from a friend he is supposed to meet

but hesitates to join him by giving him excuses. Alex repeatedly receives phone calls.


Wren gets angry that her boyfriend stood her up and tries to leave but her boyfriend meets her and surprises her with flowers. She gets ecstatic that he is here but things take a turn when she sees a text message on her boyfriends phone from another girl. She goes through the five stages of loss and grief (denial/isolation, anger, guilt, depression and acceptance). She doesn't want to believe it but is later convinced and gets extremely angry, causing her to storm off and smoke cigarettes


Wren and Alex's final thoughts are explored through a series of voiceovers and b-rolls, signifying her loneliness and depressi

Contextual points (genre, director, influence, film movement):

  • Genre:

  • Romance

  • Indie

  • Directors:

  • Michel Gondry

  • Wong Kar-wai

  • Jean-Luc Godard

  • Film movement:

  • Hong Kong New Wave, filming Hong Kong similar to Wong Kar-wai

  • The French New Wave

Research texts:

  • We Might As Well Be Strangers (2010) - Heiward Mak [cinematography, narrative/plot, characters

  • Chungking Express (1993) & Fallen Angels (1995) - Wong Kar-wai [cinematography, non-linear narrative structure]

  • The Diving Bell & The Butterfly (2007) - Julian Schnabel [evoking feelings of melancholia, cinematography]

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Michel Gondry [feelings of melancholia, characters]

Photo of a sketch made by Mr Ryan in class, showing the basic outline of my new developed idea.

a short film of 6-7 minutes, made in groups of up to 4.

a trailer made individually by students

a 1750 word commentary written individually by students




25/01/16: Initial ideas and research


01/02/16: Create groups and pitch


15/02/16: Present pitch


22/02/16-14/03/16: Pre-production


21/03/16-18/04/16: Production


25/04 /16-23/05/16: Post-production


02/05/16: Rough Cut due


23/05/16: Final Cut due

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